
LilScript is a JavaScript Framework
That makes coding and debugging easier.
LilScript was created by Dev Bash on 26th April, 2021 to make coding and debugging easier and faster, it comes with many debugging features.
LilScript is light-weight, fast, and easy to learn.

Using LilScriptJS
To use LilScriptJS, we have to first set the script type to text/lilscript in our script tag. Then write our code into the script tag or use the src attribute in our JavaScript code.
This is an example of Boxing in LilScript.
Boxing is the same as Alerting in JavaScript.

Commenting in LilScript is easy and nice
It comes with 3 types of Comments including that of Python

Logging is used to log text to the console
Just like the console.log function.

Array Pushing
LilScript has a simple way of pushing items to array
Just like that of PHP.

String Reversing
LilScript has a string reversing method.
Just like that of Python

Functions in LilScript are declared with func.
Just like in Dragon

Import in LilScript is used to import functions or other codes
into our current code and use them,
Just like in Python and Java.

Lilscript Keywords are special words for caring out special operations in LilScript.
There start with @ and some requires closing.

Keyword: @var
The css @var helps to use JavaScript values in CSS.
But the assigned css @var most come from the root and not be a refrence.

Welcome to our home page

Keyword: @css
The @css keyword is used to embed css codes into LilScript.

Welcome to my page

Keyword: @run
Codes in between the @run keyword runs immediately the compiler gets to it.

Keyword: @boxline and @logline
@boxline is used to box the number of the current line.
Same with @logline but it logs the number instead.

Speed Test
@startTime and @endTime are used to calculate the execution time of our code.
It logs the time to the console.

A Selector is used to select HTML Elements for manipulation.

Event Listener
An Event Listener is used to listen for Events in our JavaScript code.

Getting and Setting Values
Getting values is easy in LilScriptJS using .html(),.text() and .val().
It can also be used to set the values by passing values as a parameter.

No Name Entered!

Keyword: @find and @finds
LilScript has an easy way of getting HTML Elements for manipulation.
Using @find gets the first Element with the given text on it.
While @finds returns an array of all Elements with the given text.